Three Antons

History of wine making in Lavrenčič family goes a long way back. By stories of some family elders, tradition was born around 150 years ago. Evidence that still exist and which has engraved year of manufacture, are restored old wooden barrel doors, from the year 1913. It all started in Vrhpolje at homestead of Lavrenčič family, when Anton Lavrenčič (great-grandfather of Bojan Lavrenčič) started to produce wines from varieties of Rebula, Pinela and Malvazija in big wooden barrels, mostly for family use.

Quantities of wine weren’t that big but still big and good enough to attract Anton Lavrenčič II (son of Anton Lavrenčič I and Bojan’s grandfather) to continue the family tradition of wine making. He has extended the vineyards up to 10.000 vines and together with the family started to breed very quality vine grafts (5000 per year) that were later sold all over the Slovenia.

In the second half of 20 century Anton Lavrencic III (Bojan’s father) took over the work on the homestead and extended the vineyard for a little, up to 13.000 vines with two new kinds, Zelen and Merlot. It was one of the first Merlots in Vipava valley. And so tradition continued through the years until Bojan Lavrenčič took over a heritage of three Antons and decided to start a whole new story on the legacy of his ancestors.

Photo: Lavrenčič family around year 1950. There are two of three Antons on this picture. Father (second man with young kid from right to left) and the youngest Anton (first from right to left).

The year of 2013

There was tradition, knowledge and passion but there was no official trademark. And so we decided to create a trademark, which will be represented and known as a trademark with very quality and high ranked wines. We started in year 2013. It was family decision that includes every family member (three daughters, Klara and Bojan). We believe in knowledge and hard work and we also believe that these two things are most important for the path of success. So like the theory of John Lock’s “Tabula Rasa” (newborn child’s mind is blank sheet of paper) our brand is new, yet empty and ready to write history.

Five. It’s a number. Used everyday by large number of people. Well we used that in a different way. Number five as a sign of something accomplished that in combination with roses give us a something beautiful and complete. And this is how we see our family. Five roses like five members of Lavrenčič family. Two roses on the top belong to Bojan (father) and Klara (mother). Roses on left and right side are intended to the two sisters (the youngest and oldest). And the last one in the middle of the crest goes to the third (middle age) daughter. Roses are also chronologically arranged according to the year in which a family member was born. From the oldest to the youngest family member in clockwise direction. Initial in the middle of the crest goes to the Lavrenčič surename, and wax seal around gives a strong structure to complete emblem and emphasizes rich family tradition. We represent our emblem and our emblem represents us.